NCVA 2025 MEMBERSHIP MEETINGSAVE THE DATE NCVA Membership Appreciation Meeting July 18-20, 2025 Held at the Beautiful Shell Island Resort NCVA appreciates our Members and we can't wait to gather again! Registration will open in March and is free to all NCVA operator members so make sure your NCVA Membership is current for 2025 so you can participate. |
Shell Island Resort Rates: Wednesday/Thursday $289; Fri & Sat $339 (Registering for the meeting does not automatically reserve your hotel room. Call the hotel directly or click the link above to secure accommodations) Meeting Agenda TBD Friday, July 18 |
12:30pm | Registration Open - Location TBD |
1:00pm | ACE Planning Committee Meeting |
2:00pm | NCVA Board Meeting - Open to NCVA Membership |
3:00 PM | Speaker TBD |
4:30pm | Networking Time - meet in the lobby bar! PICK UP SNACK BAGS Sponsored by BROKERS UNLIMITED |
6:30pm | Dinner & Music - TBD |
Saturday, July 20 |
8:30am | Breakfast TBD |
10:30am | Activities TBD |
FREE | Explore Wrightsville Beach on Your Own! These tours/activities are listed for your convenience, signup and payment to be completed by attendee. |
Tours/Activities TBD |
5:00pm- | Reception TBD |
THANK YOU To Our Supplier Sponsors!
Level Sponsors |
Level Sponsors |
Level Sponsors |
Supplier Partners |
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